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  3. Events Calendar
  4. [novelist-events-table]


The [novelist-events-table] shortcode displays a table of your upcoming events. This shortcode can be entered on any of your WordPress pages (Pages > All Pages).

Displaying a table of events


The following attributes can be applied to the shortcode:

  • columns – date | location | title | link | details – Configure which columns are displayed in the table and which order. Each columns you want to appear should be included and separated by a space. Default: [novelist-events-table columns=”date location title link”]
  • orderby – event-date | date | title – What the table should be ordered by. Default is “event-date”. Just “date” refers to the date the event entry was published in WordPress.
  • order – ASC | DESC – How the results are ordered.


[novelist-events-table columns="title date location details" orderby="date" order="DESC"]
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